Individual Tasks

               Individual Tasks

When it comes to individual tasks people think the more tasks they do the better impression they will make, but thats just a myth. I have seen people crossing 17 obstacles and getting rejected and those who did only 4 5 got recommended. The game is not about the number of tasks, the game is of how you cross those tasks, whether you showed reluctance before jumping or going up any obstacle.

The most difficult tasks are tarzen swing, monkey bridge, zig zag, and last but not the least, climbing rope. The main difficulty in these tasks is the fear of height, and the fear that if u fall you will get hurt and thats exactly what they are looking for in you. if you show that your out.

Tasks mainly are arranged in an improper manner and there is no particular sequence which u can adopt, you are told to go from which ever direction you like, GTO keenly observes the way you go through these tasks and sees if you go via proper pattern or haphazardly do those tasks. if you stop when ur about to jump or show any sort of fear that can create bad impression.

here are a few tips

1. if u get some scratches dont worry, and dont sit there and cry, infact if u get little injured and still carry on this shows ur determination.

2. try to go for the tasks in a sequence.

3. if u fail to cross an obstacle once try again and again but if u cant do it in the third attempt, then leave it and go for next.

4. try to practice climbing rope if you can find some facility.

5. Monkey bridge is not that difficult but people do feel scared while swinging on the tarzan swing. They can let go the rope fearing that they would fall.

6. High jump is not an issue if u takes a long run up.

7. Remember if you make a foul, by touching areas marked red on obstacles then attempt the obstacle again, don’t think you would be able to deceive the GTO or he might have not seen it.

"All these 9 obstacles are not so much difficult.The time allowed will be 2 minutes and each obstacles have different marks.But one thing which must be noted is that when the whistle is ISSB OBSTICLES .....!!!
(2 mints and 9 obstacles) ...!!

NOTE: Red Color is out of bound if you touch it then it is considered as a foul and than you have to do it again on your own interest....!!
For Females (Obstacles 1-6 Except No.5)

1-) Ditch "7feet and 6inches with 4feet depth"
TIPS: Run and focus at the finishing end of the ditch don't look inside the ditch while jumping otherwise you will be in trouble.

2-) Boxing Ring
TIPS: Its very easy but having red ropes so be careful don't give foul.

3-) Walking over inclined small wooden planks.
TIPS: Its very easy just keep body balance equal and last plank is at the height of 8 feet from where you have to jump.

4-) High Jump " Height 4.5 feet"
TIPS: Run and jump over 4.5 feet if you touch the bamboo placed at the height of 4.5 feet than it is considered as a foul ... Its a difficult one but keep practicing you can do it.

5-) Tarzan Swing Jump
TIPS: Its very interesting obstacle you have to swing your self with the help of rope from one plank to another plank between these two planks all earth is out of bound... Just jump to the rope when helper give you the rope and swing to other plank and jump ...

6-) Passing through Tyre
TIPS: No tips for this one this is very very very easy obstacles among all.

7-) Hanging Bridge
TIPS: Its is the hanging plank bridge on the ditch just run and put your one foot in the middle of the plank and than other foot outside the ditch. Don't touch the ropes of the Hanging bridge because it will considered as a foul.

8-) Monkey Bridge
TIPS: These are two parallel ropes at the height of 14 feet .. at the start there is a ladder to reach the starting point and than you have to cross these parallel ropes and than at the end you have to climb through a rope....

9-) Rope Climbing "9feet"
TIPS: No tips for that one :-/ its very difficult one and having the highest points among all the obstacles .... If you have stamina of at least 8 to 9 chinups than you can easily do it....!!!

started then do these obstacles in regular and respective manner,not try to complete the highest marks first it will take long time and your time and energy will be wasted by seeking the high marks obstacles."

"It is the individual task of each candidate, where candidate has to face every obstacle or hindrance or restriction in his individual or personal manner"

"you can also post your opinion regarding these ISSB obstacles "


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